Environmental Consultancy

The Office of Environment, Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha and Mucuri is directly linked to the Rectory.


It was created with the primary aim of developing a program of selective collection in UFVJM Partnership, aiming to reduce the impact of garbage in the city of Diamantina and generate financial resources for associations and cooperatives of collectors of recyclable material.

The Office of Environment is spearheading the process for granting water use on the campus of UFVJM JK, coordinating the work of the company has already contracted for this service.

In addition, coordinated the elaboration of the project for implementation of a conservation area in the former hydroelectric plant in Santa Maria, the District of Curralinho. The aide Carlos Victor was elected Vice-Chairman of the Committee Araçuaí River Watershed, representing UFVJM this Committee as a permanent member.


Assist the Dean in matters relating to the environment within the University.


Environmental Consultancy
Rectory Building
Rua da Glória, 187 - Centro
CEP 39100-000 Diamantina, MG
Phone: 55 xx (38) 3532-6030
Fax: 55 xx (38) 3532-6000

Environmental Advisor
Prof. Dr. Carlos Victor Mendonça
Phone: 55 xx (38) 3532-6030
Fax: 55 xx (38) 3532-6000

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 November 2024 09:20