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Bodies of Higher Resolution

Secretariat of Deliberation Superior Bodies

Rectory Building 
Rua da Glória, 187 - Centro 
Diamantina / MG 
CEP 39100-000 

Phone: 55 xx (38) 3532-6027 
E-mail: helida@ufvjm.edu.brThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Secretary: Maria Martins Lopes Hélida 


University Council - CONSU

University Council is the supreme organ of collective deliberation than the University in matters of university policy and administration (UFVJM Statute, Article 9). The University Council incumbent formulate the general policy of the University plans academic, administrative, financial and disciplinary autonomy, respecting the law (UFVJM Statute, Art 13). 

Representation of States CONSU/2009

Board of Education, Research and Extension - CONSEPE

The Board of Education, Research and Extension is the technical body for monitoring and determination for education, research and extension (UFVJM Statute, Article 17). 

Representation of States CONSEPE


Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is the supervisory body's economic and financial University (UFVJM Statute, Article 24). 

Advisory Board

Council of Community Integration

The Council of Community Integration, an advisory body, aims to provide support to the University, in addition to the critical nature of subsidies, aiming at further integration of the University to society (UFVJM Statute, Article 39).

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 January 2023 15:57


Campus I - Diamantina/MG
Rua da Glória, nº 187 - Centro - CEP 39100-000
Telefones: +55 (38) 3532-6024
Campus JK - Diamantina/MG
Rodovia MGT 367 - Km 583, nº 5.000
Alto da Jacuba CEP 39100-000
Telefone: +55 (38) 3532-1200 e (38) 3532-6800
Campus do Mucuri - Teófilo Otoni/MG
Rua do Cruzeiro, nº 01 - Jardim São Paulo - CEP 39803-371
Telefone: +55 (33) 3529-2700
Campus Janaúba - Janaúba/MG
Avenida Um, nº 4.050
Cidade Universitária CEP 39447-790
Telefone: +55 (38) 3532-6808 e (38) 3532-6812
Campus Unaí - Unaí/MG
Avenida Universitária, nº 1.000, B
Universitários CEP 38610-000
Telefone: +55 (38) 3532 6821
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